Monday, January 24, 2011

Meet me-it's Monday

1.  What is your favorite kind of fudge? Eh, I'm not big on fudge. I am big on chocolate though, fudge just doesn't do it for me. I like it all, just don't eat much of it.
2.  Is there snow outside your window? Yes, there certainly is! Quite a bit of it actually. Although, I will say that I believe this is the mildest winter as far as snow goes that I've seen since I've been in Ohio. Temperature wise....BBBRRRRR! Way colder!
3.  What is your favorite meal of the day? Dinner.
4.  Do you text on your cell phone? Absolutely! It seems both of my kids have a disorder that make them come ask me every question under the sun and want to carry on a conversation ONLY when I'm talking on the phone. Texting seems to make this go away! :) And even if it doesn't, I can talk to my kids and text at the same time. I could actually talk on the phone and my kids at the same time, but that's not really respectful to the person on the other line now is it?
5.  Waffles or pancakes? Pancakes, without a doubt. Although, I've never made my own waffles. That might change my answer if I had. I like strawberry waffles with nothing on them. And love my pancakes with peanut butter on them and syrup. Yum!

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1 comment:

  1. You haven't had a lot of snow in Ohio because it's all traveling south and hitting me in TN!


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